__cfduid | Advertiser's website domain (1st party) | The '__cfduid' cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable | Functional |
__cfruid | Advertiser's website domain (1st party) | Used by the content network, Cloudflare, to identify trusted web traffic. | Functional |
__cf_bm | Advertiser's website domain (1st party) | Cloudflare's bot products identify and mitigate automated traffic to protect your site from bad bots. Cloudflare places the __cf_bm cookie on End User devices that access Customer sites that are protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. The __cf_bm cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of these bot solutions. | Functional |
cflb | | This cookie is set for load balancing purposes. This cookie is set to route future requests to the same origin, optimizing network resource usage. | Essentiell |
info | | This cookie provides information about failed requests to our website. | Essentiell |
use | | This cookie informs Cloudflare to fetch the requested resource from the Always Online cache on the designated port. | Essentiell |
cfruid | cloudflare.com | This cookie is required to manage incoming traffic and to have better visibility on the origin of a particular request. | Essentiell |
clearance | | Dieses cookie wird von Cloudflare-geschützten Websites gesetzt, die ein Captcha oder eine verwaltete Herausforderung anzeigen. Dieses Cookie speichert den Nachweis, dass eine Challenge bestanden wurde. | Essentiell |